Any type of pollution can have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife. In fact, pollution often has an impact on human health and...
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    Any type of pollution can have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife. In fact, pollution often has an impact on human health and well-being. Actually, what is meant by environmental pollution and what are its types? The definition of pollution is taken from the official website of the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia No. The definition of pollution is explained in Law Number 4 of 1982 concerning Basic Provisions for Environmental Management.

    Environmental pollution is the entry or introduction of living things, substances, energy or other components into the environment or changes in the environmental order due to human activities or natural processes. Thus, the quality of the environment decreases to a certain level which causes the environment to function less or not be able to function as it should.

    Any type of pollution can have a negative impact on the environment and wildlife

    A Substance That Causes Pollution is called

    National Geographic defines pollution as the entry of dangerous substances into the environment.

    These dangerous substances are called pollutants. Pollutants can damage the quality of the environment around humans, including air, water and soil. Quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica, pollution, also called environmental pollution, is the addition of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any form of energy (such as heat, sound, or radioactivity) to the environment. Pollutants Substances or materials that cause pollution are called pollutants or contaminants.

    Pollutants are substances, particles or organisms that can cause environmental pollution by directly or indirectly reducing the quality of the environment. All living things, from single-celled microbes to blue whales, depend on Earth's air and water resources. If these resources are polluted, all ways of life will be threatened.

    Industries and households produce rubbish and waste that can pollute water, air and soil. The condition for a substance to be called a pollutant is that its presence is detrimental to living things. The characteristics of pollutants include: The amount exceeds the normal amount. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are various types of pollutants, including: Chemical pollutants are chemicals that cause pollution, for example carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Physical pollutants are liquid, solid or gaseous substances that cause pollution, such as plastic bottles. Biological pollutants are microorganisms such as bacteria that cause various diseases.

    Quoting Live Science, there are five main types of pollution: Air pollution Water pollution Land pollution Noise pollution Light pollution Below is a brief explanation of each type of pollution: Water pollution is pollution that occurs in the aquatic environment when there are dangerous substances. or incoming substances. Examples of pollutants: industrial waste water, pesticides and others.

    Air pollution is pollution that occurs in the air; Generally it is a pollutant in the form of gas or particles. Examples: carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and others. Soil pollution is pollution that occurs in the terrestrial environment which is generally caused by domestic waste and industrial waste.

    Examples are plastic waste, factory waste and others. Noise pollution is pollution in the form of noise in the form of sound waves which often disturbs hearing. For example, the hum of vehicle engines, the sound of factories, logging machines and so on.

    Light pollution is pollution caused by human activity, usually in the form of light that is too bright. Most occur in urban areas or industrial areas. Examples: city lights, lights on billboards, etc.
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