Ships Can Float on the Surface of the Weather Because? Here's why: Have you ever wondered why ships don't sink despite their incredi...
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    Ships Can Float on the Surface of the Weather Because? Here's why: Have you ever wondered why ships don't sink despite their incredible weight?

    In fact, objects carrying heavy loads often sink easily. Some ships are even capable of carrying loads of up to tons. 

    Some ships are even capable of carrying loads of up to tons

    Then why can ships float on the surface of the water?

    Why can a ship stay afloat while a person weighing only a few kilograms can sink?

    It turns out the answer is not in the load but in the density. In fact, ships can float because the density of the ship is lighter than the density of water.

    Archimedes' Law

    According to Archimedes' law, a ship can float on water because the density of the ship is lighter than the density of water

    In addition, ships have hulls that function to provide greater volume.

    This volume can then increase strength. This force will be able to support the weight of the ship, so that the ship can still float even though it is carrying a large load.

    The reason why the hull walls made of metal can float on the surface of sea water is because there are gaps in them.

    The Secret Is in the Stomach Area

    As previously mentioned, ships can float on the surface of sea water, this is because the large area of ​​the ship's hull has holes.

    So, instead of a solid ship hull, it is shaped like a cavity which can increase the volume of the ship.

    After all, this is why the specific gravity of the ship decreases. The existence of airspace is important because without air it is impossible for ships to float on the surface of the water.

    You definitely remember the most legendary ship disaster of its time, the Titanic, which sank because part of its hull was damaged or leaked.

    To obtain the correct volume, the airspace area on the ship must also be calculated correctly. This is done by considering the total cargo of the ship.

    If an error occurs related to the manufacturing process, there is the potential for the ship to sink or sink to the bottom of the sea due to overload.

    As a result, the ship can float on the surface of the water because pasta is a type that is smaller than the density of water.

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